Hawker Lane opens in Post Office Square

When the revitalisation project for Brisbane’s Post Office Square was being conceived, the owners, developers and designers knew they wanted something different, so they developed the idea of an Asian-style Hawker Lane.

With the amazing smells and food to be found at any hawker centre throughout Asia, they become immersive, and this was the idea they wanted carried over to Post Office Square as part of its multi-million dollar revitalisation.

Designed by Clui Design (https://clui.com.au/work/) which was given the brief to create “a space which will become a melting pot of diverse Asian cuisine served in a lively atmosphere unique to Brisbane’s CBD”, Hawker Lane is shaping up to be a truly special offering.

The concept has come to life with the first three eateries in Hawker Lane, within Post Office Square, having opened their doors. These are Bake N Grill, (Vietnamese) Chow Chow (Taiwanese/Chinese) and Mr Curry (Japanese) and joining the ever-popular Bibimbap&Grill.

This is the second store for Bake N Grill which has a very popular eatery at South Bank and will be serving fresh pho with a broth base which has been brewed for 10 hours; gorgeous fresh banh mi (bread rolls) handcrafted by daily by artisans and locally sourced ingredients in their rice paper rolls and rice bowls.

Chow Chow specialises in Taiwanese and Chinese cuisines and is owned by James Kao who spent more than 30 years working in his family’s restaurant in Taiwan before migrating to Australia.

Featuring the flavours, spices and ingredients of Taiwan and China, there will be plenty of favourite dishes to rediscover and some new taste sensations awaiting diners.

A tenant of Post Office Square for more than a decade, Japanese curry franchise Mr Curry is a central retailer in Hawker Lane with a newly refurbished store after having signed a new five-year lease with Post Office Square.

Managing Director of the Mr Curry chain, Yoshi Takano, said while the eatery may look and feel a little different, the old favourites will continue to be offered, notably the chicken katsu!

Post Office Square’s food and beverage precinct, including the new Hawker Lane, is open Monday to Friday.